Zuzu might not agree that this is frivolous. She just might think that ‘boose is a necessary part of every day. Or even every minute of the day. Regardless, my dad started a mini obsession when he made a train out of blocks. I didn’t realize how much she had picked up until we were listening to Pandora’s children’s folk music station the other day. As soon as “Little Red Caboose” ended, Zuzu ran to the stereo and started hollerin’ for “more choo-choo.” The poor kid was unconsolable until I found another version (a more annoying, but free, version) on YouTube. Now her constant refrain is “more choo-choo” and “‘boose!” Check out the rockin’ practically vintage fashions.

When I get decide she’s had enough of that (or I’m at my limit), we watch a few rounds of “Puff ‘n’ Toot.” This one I actually like, in moderation. I’m hoping to get the Little Golden Book from Chick-Fil-A. Well, maybe I’m just hoping for some chicken, but the book would be a good excuse.


While digging through related train videos trying to find a few that didn’t make me want to scream, I actually found a set that I liked. I kinda even wish I could get this album in mp3s. A train themed cd would go over really well right now, and I wouldn’t have to keep clicking ‘repeat’ on YouTube. In case you didn’t get enough ‘boose, here’s a better version from the Peter Pan album. I like the song in this video more, but alas, there is no actual train to watch.

Let me know what you think!