We’ve had our best school year in a while! The girls have enjoyed ballet and American Heritage Girls. The boys enjoy soccer and Trail Life. Everyone–especially me–enjoys being back at choir with friends.

Zuzu did some AmblesideOnline Year 7 and some CMEC. I’ve had a tough time transitioning her to high school, but we are figuring it out together!

Eliza completed AO Year 6 with Sonlight’s Eastern Hemispheres and language arts. I taught this Sonlight year to a family before I got married. I loved the books, but unlike the other years, not many were on AO’s lists. Our library only had a few of the books for Eastern Hemispheres, so I chose to buy the whole set. Eliza read them as scheduled free reads so they didn’t add too much to her day. She really enjoyed the writing projects even though I didn’t require them to be completed.

Miri completed AO Year 5. She enjoyed adding written narrations and Latin to her lessons, but she’s not so excited about Plutarch.

I read Year 2 with Cy. I’m particularly excited that I’m rebuilding my own read-aloud stamina and enjoyed this much more than I have for the past few years. I think this might be the first time I’ve made it all the way through Joan of Arc! I know it’s the best I’ve ever done reading poetry.

Dan enjoys writing his numbers on Kumon number flash cards and building simple words with this Lakeshore Learning set, but mostly spends school time in his room playing with trains or duplo. He loves that his sisters read to him pretty much whenever he asks. (I know I’m going to miss this grimace when he finally starts smiling normally for photos.)

Let me know what you think!